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"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind"

William James

Ducks Over the Lake


Empathy word cloud concept with compassion emotion related tags

In my therapy sessions, we’ll work to solve current problems and improve positive thinking and behavior. I will help you “re-frame” your reactions and provide you with valuable tools to cope with life’s obstacles. I’m confident you’ll find my personalized counseling beneficial.  Get in touch to schedule an appointment.

Couples Therapy sign with sky background

My couples therapy sessions help patients develop positive attitudes towards life’s most complex and challenging circumstances.  Dealing with conflict,  finances, children and  other issues can be problematic. The three  of us will try to develop better strategies for supporting one another.  This should result in warmer feelings and a growing sense of romantic intimacy and partnering.

Team Talk

As a psychologist coach, I bring to the table extensive training and experience in helping current executives or would-be organization leaders navigate the dynamics of the workplace. Identifying choice-points, conflicts, ambitions, and persistent self-defeating patterns we work in greater depth than does traditional coaching.  As we all know, stress and impulsive or unsound decision-making frequently have at their roots long-standing unresolved issues.  My  approach combines searching for insight as well as using what is  discovered to develop better emotional management and behavioral strategies. Self-understanding clears the way for change.

Our first step is to gain an understanding of the current stress you face. We ask:  How you have responded to stress, what has been the effectiveness of your actions, and what you would like to change going forward? We also work on any changes in attitudes and responses that you feel would improve your performance and help you progress towards your goals.

I have employed this approach with professionals considering career-change, with others seeking promotion but finding themselves blocked, and with individuals in the midst of on-going interpersonal conflicts at work.  Young professionals have also consulted with me to help them plan their future, avoid pitfalls, and better manage their emotions at work.  All are looking to better understand themselves, build self-confidence, and make the right moves now and in the future.

Throughout this exploration, we will keep your work life in perspective, as we consider the impact of your career on your personal life.  Ultimately, a balance between the two results in well-being as you approach midlife, or later stages of development.

While this is an ambitious agenda, much progress can be made in five 2-hour sessions. Follow-up appointments for support and midcourse corrections are often considered by my clients.

Visit our Psychology Coaching site - Psychology Coaching Group

Calm Sea
Dandelion Parachute Seed
Two Dried Leaves
Foggy Pier
Ducks Over the Lake


A Licensed Psychologist in Private Practice with More Than Thirty Years of Experience

Are you struggling with issues related to stress, trauma, grief, anxiety, family conflict or major life changes? There comes a time when help is needed from a certified professional to deal with many of life’s challenges.  I intend to provide psychotherapy in an understanding and supportive atmosphere. Together,  we focus on stress management, strategies for improving relationships, building emotional well-being, and clarifying long-term goals. Our sessions are interactive and collaborative. Your feedback helps to establish the right pace and intensity of our work.

I also specialize in leadership and executive coaching from a psychological perspective.  My graduate studies, dissertation and consulting experience have given me insights into the dynamics of organizations and executives. I work with individuals who are facing strong pressure in their jobs and seek effective strategies for managing their careers.  

I'm sure you want to know more about my background. It's important that you seek the best qualified practioner with whom to work.

I received a PhD in Psychology from Columbia University and more recently a Masters in Public Health from the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, where I am Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Preventive Medicine.  I teach medical and other graduate students about mental health challenges around the world. In addition to my private practice of psychotherapy, I work in many other settings to promote well-being and 

respond to personal and community trauma.  

I am certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology and have been designated a Distinguished Life Fellow by the American Group Psychotherapy Association.  I was elected President of two important professional organizations: the American Group Psychotherapy Association and the Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society. I am Editor of the Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Group Psychotherapy, a 700 page textbook used in graduate schools. 



I implement effective psychotherapy methods to instill self-understanding among patients and encourage them to adopt new attitudes and feelings towards life situations. It is essential to keep in mind that therapy is not a magic pill or a quick fix; therapy is a healing process that necessitates participation and investment from the patient and caretaker alike. But in the end, making small changes to self-defeating behavior and coping with feelings of sadness, fear, and pain can bring life-altering results.



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